SignalR is long waiting Web technology for building real time ASP.NET web applications. SignalR is open source project which simplifies pretty complicated task of creating bidirectional communication between clients and Server. SignalR is founded on top of the WebSockets, as well as other similar technologies...
I used to get this Error Message in Visual Studio 2012 when I was about the start debugging my MVC or any other art of Web Application under Internet Explorer as soon as I installed the first RTM version of Visual Studio 2012 and Windows 8, but I fixed it fast and I thought it is not that big deal to...
Today, in one of our several common Virtual Machines, I wanted to access TFS which is in our VPN Company network. Previously some one else was working on that machine, so his credential for TFS is stored as a default user. So this is not a problem in Visual Studio 2010, because you can just change user...
There are plenty of ansyc samples over the internet, and most of them are different and not satisfy your requirements. Actually, async pattern depends of its creator, and can be implement on various ways. It is important to understand the async pattern in order to use it. Only on this way, you can stop...
First of all, I am not a designer. In fact I don’t think I can design anything beautiful. Mostly, if I want to design something first asked some of my friends or people who knows about design, before decided to do. So design implementation of GPdotNET v2 was very frustrated for me. Anything I have...
As I aonnounced earlier, finaly I have published the first beta version of my open source project. With significan shanges compared to the version v1.0 GPdotNET became cross-platform and Cross-OS application. On my personal blog you can find many documentation about GPdotNET, with tutorials and descriptions...
There are numerous new features coming with .NET 4.5 and here, on this blog, you can find several posts about it. But the feature we are goint to talk about today is very exciting, because we were waiting for it more than 10 years. Since .NET 1.0 the memory limit of .NET object is 2GB. This means you...
I have just blogged about how to print visuals from non selected Tab page. In face the demo show how to make image of all tab pages as separate image file. Read blog post here .
By releasing the beta version of Visual Studio 11 and .NET 4.5, Microsoft has also released the new version C# 5.0. C# 5.0 brings a new programming pattern called asynchronous programming with new keyworkds async an await. I have blog posted about it previously. C# 5.0 also brings new features which...
Am Dienstag den 10.05.2011 findet das Telekom Phone Tour Event an der FH Trier (Campus Birkenfeld) statt. Den Einführungsvortrag, gehalten von Frau Theresia Gerlach von der Deutschen Telekom und mich, wird zuerst stattfinden und im Anschluss kommt der vierstündige Workshop mit viel Live Coding + Tips...
Die kostenlosen TechTalk-Veranstaltungen sind seit vielen Jahren bekannt als ein lebendiges Forum zum Wissensaustausch unter Entwicklern und bieten Gelegenheit, "Microsoft zum Anfassen" zu erleben. Microsoft-Experten vermitteln dabei in Vorträgen ihr Wissen und stehen für Diskussionen zur Verfügung...
Wir von Microsoft Student Partners Team Darmstadt bzw. Frankfurt organisieren den Workshop "Einführung in C#" an der Hochschule Darmstadt, in Kooperation mit dem Fachbereich Informatik der h_da, wo interessierte Studenten die Grundlagen von C#.net Programmierung mit Visual Studio lernen können...
Microsoft is bundling up some functionality from previously separated product codenames, e.g. Velocity and Dublin and bundling them as AppFabric . Download the Beta here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/ee695849.aspx Interested in training on some of that new functionality? Contact me!
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Andreas Erben's posts
Andreas Erben
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Filed under: WCF, BizTalk, .NET, BPM, WF, SOA, DUBLIN, PDC, PDC 2009, PDC09, PDC 09, PDC2009, Microsoft AppFabric, AppFabric
Some exciting things for “Dublin” and “Velocity” will be given to the world today at Microsoft PDC 2009. Too bad that I am still under NDA for this :)
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Andreas Erben's posts
Andreas Erben
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Filed under: BizTalk Server, .NET, BPM, Workflow, WF, Windows Workflow Foundation, DUBLIN, PDC08, ASP.NET, Visual Studio 2010, VS 2010, PDC 2009, PDC09, PDC 09, PDC2009
Microsoft finally released a new CTP of the .NET Services SDK, the March 2009 CTP Personally, I think it is a very noteworthy release since it now allows for the first time to develop full blown applications in the Workflow Services part of it: Now you can activate workflows from an external source,...
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Andreas Erben's posts
Andreas Erben
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Filed under: .NET, .NET 3.5, SOA, Cloud Computing, Cloud, BizTalk Services, Cloud Services, Azure, .NET Services SDK, MVC, .NET Services, ASP.NET