How to change device identity in Azure IotEdge?

To install Azure IotEdge on Windows you will have to use following Power-Shell command:

. {Invoke-WebRequest -useb} | Invoke-Expression; `
Install-SecurityDaemon -Manual -ContainerOs Linux

During installation, script will prompt you to enter device connection string. Once you have enter it, it will remain stored on the machine where IotEdge runtime is running. Here you can find more detailed description about installation of Azure IotEdge.

IotEdge runtime is running as demon process, which is on Windows implmented service in Service Control Manager. The deamon (service) is implemented in process iotedged.exe, which is installed in folder: C:\ProgramData\iotedge.

Configuration of the service (daemon) is stored in config.yaml file inside of folder C:\ProgramData\iotedge. Note, the daemon must be restarted to pick up your configuration changes.

Connection string of iotedge device, which is running on your machine asd singleton can be found under provisioning node:

  source: "manual"
  device_connection_string: ";DeviceId=DEVICEID;SharedAccessKey=***SpE="