Donovan Brown at daenet

We are happy to host Azure Meetup with Donowan Brown at daenet.

Getting started with Azure DevOps.

Luckily, Donovan's unofficial tagline is #RubDevOpsOnIt and he's here to make it all better. Before joining Microsoft.

DevOps is about people, process, and products. Getting it all right requires effort, but the benefits to your organization and customers can be huge. Microsoft has a fantastic set of products that can help you get the most out of the cloud with any language on any platform. In this demo-heavy session, Donovan Brown shows you how to transform your team

Finally, we recorded a podcast for Azure Friday. We habe been talking about software project with 600+ developers. Donovan talked about many insights. If you want to hear, how Microsoft is doing such project, I would highly recommend this podcast.