Global Azure Bootcamp - Frankfurt 2019





Welcome keynote By Damir Dobric


ML for .NET Developers by Damir Dobric - daenet GmbH,Azure MVP/RD

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence getting more important. However, in reality integrating ML/AI capabilities in software is not very easy task. In this session you will learn how ML/AI can be integrated in .NET applications by using Machine Learning .NET framework.


Azure adoption in Enterprise customers – tales from the field by Ricardo Machado - Microsoft Services

In this session we’ll go through patterns of adoption and lessons learned from customer engagements and how organizations are changing their cloud governance, security and operations functions to adjust to their ever growing usage of cloud.

We’ll look at Microsoft Azure services in Governance, Security and Operations, other public available resources and how new tools and code first mindset play a critical role in supporting IT organizations in their cloud modernization.

12:15-13:15 - Lunch


Integrate Microsoft Graph with Azure Active Directory in your cloud applications by Firas Mdimagh - Azure MVP - Paris

Manage users in modern applications is a challenge. Deal with security and roles is a headache.

To simplify this task, Microsoft came with Microsoft Graph as a gateway for its APIs, to help modern developers create powerful productivity applications using Azure Active Directory and other services.

During this session, we will find out what is Microsoft Graph and what to do with it.

We will also learn how to manage users, roles and groups using Microsoft Graph and Azure Active Directory.

And we will wrap the session with some real use cases.


Azure Machine Learning and predictive maintenance by Indraneel Pole - daenet GmbH

Using Microsoft's Azure Machine Learning Studio to build ML models for Predictive Maintenance. This includes building predictive models with Support Vector machines. The talk will be based on trained models that can run prediction analysis.


Advanced Azure Functions: Boris Wilhelms - Thinktecture

Azure Functions makes it easy to quickly create simple Serverless applications & services. However in the rarest cases "Hello World"-like implementations are sufficient in practice. So, can we implement complex requirements with that technology? Yes we can. In this talk Boris Wilhelms shows you how you can use Microsofts FaaS-platform to implement scenarios beyond the common triggers and bindings and how you can secure your Functions. The topic of hosting is also covered since it is not always possible to use the public cloud, but you can use and benefit from the Serverless concept in a on-premises environment.


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