New Machine Learning Methods - online on stage on Feb.4th

Did you already register for the #ICPRAM 2021? The International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods will take place via zoom. On February 4th 11:45 Damir Dobric will talk about new Machine Learning Methods, e.g. Hierarchical Temporal Memory. Highly recommended!

Online Registration already started:

Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) - Spatial Pooler (SP) is a Learning Algorithm for learning of spatial patterns inspired by the neo-cortex. It is designed to learn the pattern in a few iteration steps and to generate the Sparse Distributed Representation (SDR) of the input. It encodes spatially similar inputs into the same or similar SDRs memorized as a population of active neurons organized in groups called micro-columns. Findings in this research show that produced SDRs can be forgotten during the training progress, which causes the SP to learn the same pattern again and converts into the new SDR. This work shows that instable learning behaviour of the SP is caused by the internal boosting algorithm inspired by the homeostatic plasticity mechanism. Previous findings in neurosciences show that this mechanism is only active during the development of new-born mammals and later deactivated or shifted from cortical layer L4, where the SP is supposed to be active. The same mechanism was used in this work. The SP algorithm was extended with the new homeostatic plasticity component that controls the boosting and deactivates it after entering the stable state. Results show that learned SDRs keeps more stable during the lifetime of the Spatial Pooler.