Bye, bye Internet Explorer

Dear all,

after so long time the Internet Explorer 11 is retiring on June 15th 2022. Most of my fellows and friends will probably be like “Internet Explorer?! What was that?”.

That’s true, but there are still sites out there, that requires you to use IE. Yes, I’m not kitting. This is the reality. We are in a world of frequent changes, especially in the software industry. However, some other parts of the world change very slowly.

My intention is not to comment on this that much. I rather want to help people who are coincidently forced to dive back into the forgotten world. Here is the workaround that might be helpful.

1. Allow IE Compatibility Mode in the settings of the Edge

If you have Windows 11/(or 10) open the settings of the Microsoft Edge and change it as shown at the picture.

2. Navigate to the page in IE compatibility mode

Enter the URL of the wanted page in the new tab. Then reopen the tab in the IE compatibility mode.

3. Check if the compatibility mode works

The compatibility icon must appear as shown at the picture.