Where the “c:\fakepath” comes from…

Thanks to new security features in IE 8 the file upload will not report the real file path to the control unless you add the page to the trusted site collection of the IE. Instead the “c:\fakepath” is shown to the JavaScript that handles the file upload information.

So don’t try to find the error in your implementation :-)

Posted May 15 2009, 03:01 PM by alehmann


Judith Black wrote re: Where the “c:\fakepath” comes from…
on 07-15-2009 15:09

I'm using IE7 and in trying to upload an attachment, I keep getting C:\fakepath\

alehmann wrote re: Where the “c:\fakepath” comes from…
on 07-21-2009 1:35

The C:\Fakepath is specified in HTML 5, so maybe other borwsers that implement this specificaten may hide the real file path.

Jamie Dunne wrote re: Where the “c:\fakepath” comes from…
on 10-29-2009 11:26

Thank god ... I thought I had some SpyWare or something installed on my PC that was doing funny stuff when I saw the C:\fakepath/file.jpg come up...


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