WCF Designer

Damir Dobric Posts

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From time to time there are people who discussing about something called WCF designer. So I decided to write a short post about it.
First for all those who expect a new cool feature in .NET it is important to know, that WCF Designer currently does not exist. That means, there is no such feature and no product which integrates it.
During design of Visual Studio Orcas, the team was really thinking about this. Unfortunately, it was out of scope of release.
Right now, there are no commitments that WCF designer will be a part of some future version of Visual Studio.

Posted Jun 02 2007, 12:07 AM by Damir Dobric
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Andreas Erben's posts wrote "WCF designer" revisited: Efforts on the way, not as part of any product yet
on 06-07-2007 2:19

Damir posted about a WCF designer, or rather that there is no WCF designer yet and it does not seem to

Jean-Marc wrote re: WCF Designer
on 06-11-2007 20:14

This <www.codeplex.com/DslFactoryUtilities> might be useful to you ?

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