Logic Apps: Repeating over SqlConnector Relsult

Damir Dobric Posts

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When repeating over list of results, you might often run in problems, which are sometimes very difficult to understand even if solution is trivial one.

Here is one example:

{"code":"InvalidActionRepeatExpression","message":"Repeat expression result of action 'http' is invalid: maximum 'Array' and actual 'Object'."}

I used HTTP connector to post result to HTTP endpoint. This is why ‘http’ action fails. Originally I used Repeat expression


This is not correct, but how could one know that?

If you go to output link of your connector, you will see following:


You see JSON message as it was sent from SQL Connector trigger operation. There you can notice Rows-collection.
My expression repeated over “body”, which is not an collection.

So, I changed expression as shown below and all works fine.


Posted Nov 10 2015, 07:57 AM by Damir Dobric
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