BUG: SQL 2008 Express Edition - Stored Procedure sp_DBMaintenance

The following error message occurs when you execute the sp_DBMaintenance stored procedure on master database:

"Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_DBMaintenance, Line 104
SQL2005 or higher is required for sp_expressmaint"

The Transact-SQL code for the sp_DBMaintenance stored procedure incorrectly uses the substring for check of server version. The following code in the stored procedure causes the error to occur:

   -- check SQL2005 or higher
   IF (select SUBSTRING(@@version,(CHARINDEX('-',@@version)+2),1))<9
    RAISERROR('SQL2005 or higher is required for sp_expressmaint',16,1)
      SET @ret = 1

The length argument of substring is only one character but the version number of sql 2008 is 10 (two characters) therefore return value is less than 9 and error messsage occurs.
To work around this problem, change the length value to 2.


Posted May 25 2009, 10:10 AM by shajric


SQL2005 or higher is required for sp_expressmaint | Nobody Listens Anyway wrote SQL2005 or higher is required for sp_expressmaint | Nobody Listens Anyway
on 11-23-2010 5:46

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