Photo Selection is working again

So, as the Title says, our Photo Selection is working again.

The problem was that our Community Server has somehow managed to change his Photo Upload settings and the set the Maximum Height and Width of Upload Photos to -1.

How is this happened, I cannot explain it … maybe the guys from CS Team, but the Problem was not gone after changing the Settings.
You have to search the SQL Table cs_PostAttachments and delete all Records containing the Height/Weight Column -1. Don't forget to write down the ID's of those Attachments and to search them in cs_Posts Table, and delete there too.

Now you can browse the Photo Selection without getting the unhandled Exception shown below:

Event code: 3005
Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
Event time: 12/3/2007 6:00:28 PM
Event time (UTC): 12/3/2007 5:00:28 PM
Event ID: 302e19a5b0644e3aa1cd53dfde200b72
Event sequence: 410
Event occurrence: 11
Event detail code: 0

Application information:
Application domain: /LM/w3svc/1956162948/Root-1-128411742868769432
Trust level: Full
Application Virtual Path: /
Application Path: C:\inetpub\Community Server 2007\Web\
Machine name: XYZ

Process information:
Process ID: 4552
Process name: w3wp.exe

Exception information:
Exception type: ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Exception message: Height must be non negative.
Parameter name: value

Request information:
Request URL:
Request path: /themes/default/galleries/grouplist.aspx

Posted Dec 03 2007, 06:57 PM by Armin Kalajdzija
Filed under:


dajdza wrote re: Photo Selection is working again
on 12-15-2007 13:12


nista ne kontam, u cemu je fol. Nego ja sam skonto da ti je ovo puno nesto zahmetli i da ti kobajagi ovo zakukuljis-zamumuljis tako da ovi normalni insani nista ne mogu skontati. Jedino sto skontaju je da nisu nista skontali. Ako ti mozes, a bogomi mislim da mozes, ti ovo napisi fino da i ja razumijem. Usput da ti kazem da se jos slabije konta kad je vani hladno i pada snijeg kao sto je ovdje kod nas.

Budi zdravljen

Merisa wrote re: Photo Selection is working again
on 02-29-2008 14:42

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