Service Fabric cluster can be started/stopped by using “Service Fabric Host Service”. Since version Service Fabric Host Service is set on “Manual” in development cluster, which prevents automatic start of the cluster That means that sometimes you will surprisingly will not be able to...
Based on our experiences and article written by Boris partitioning seems to be very complex topic. For this reason I decided provide a more information and examples by using of the same sample (Voting Service), which Boris has used. To setup partition configuration we will have to open configuration...
After installation of Service Fabric, you might get following error: Expected 1 export(s) with contract name "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Shared.ServiceCreation.IProjectCreationTemplateDataProvider" but found 0 after applying applicable constraints. This happens in fact only...
After provisioning local cluster, there are several options to manage it. For example, cluster can be managed by using power-shell, Service Fabric Explorer or Service Fabric explorer Web Application. Connect to Service Fabric cluster using Powershell: Connect-ServiceFabricCluster' command (without...
You want to learn about Azure Cloud and Data Platform? Then feel invited to out Azure Global Bootcamp at April 16th in Frankfurt am Main. We will have many industry well known experts, professionals and enthusiast. This year we will set more focus and hand on labs then break out session. Attendees will...
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Damir Dobric Posts
Damir Dobric
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Filed under: cloud, azure, windows azure, ServiceBus, Microsoft Azure, iot, Devices and Services, Machine Learning, AzureStreamAnalytics, LogicApps, AzureDatalake, Service Fabric
When deploying applications in Service Fabric, which are not necessarily developed to run in Service Fabric host, you can redirect standard output to log files. Assume you have a console application which you want to run in Service Fabric cluster as microservice. Assuming that this application is writing...