Cloning of the Message

Damir Dobric Posts

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By writing of custom Message Inspectors (classes derived from IClientMessageInspector and IDispatchMessageInspector ) you will for sure need to manipulate the message entering your callbacks. For example, imagine there is a custom dispatcher and you need to perform some change on the message in one of two methods shown bellow.


public interface IDispatchMessageInspector


object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request,

IClientChannel channel,

InstanceContext instanceContext);

void BeforeSendReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState);



The Message object is unfortunately not very easy to manipulate. To illustrate what operations and how can be performed on one message instance please take a look here.

To make it simple, imagine the message should not be changed at all. Instead in this post the message will be just cloned and sent back to the dispatcher. This may sound trivial, but it is not. The idea behind following example is to show what information one message can hide from you, but which has to be copied during clone operation.

Easiest way to make a copy of the message is shown in the next example:


public Message SimpleClone(Message message)


MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();

XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(memStream);



memStream.Position = 0;

XmlDocument messageDoc = new XmlDocument();



return Message.CreateMessage(new XmlNodeReader(messageDoc.DocumentElement),





The crucial thing in this example is that when message is once read, there is no possibility to do anything else with the message. Because of that the whole content of the message is read in the memory stream and then loaded in the xml document. After that the new message with the same content is created. By using of BasicHttpBinding this will work fine. Now, one could ask, “why is this operation dependent on binding?” The copied message in the previous example is not the same one as the message which has entered the method. This sounds strange, but it is true. It is important to know that the original message could be of some other type than just Message. For example by using of BasicHttpBinding the message is of derived type BufferedMessage. But by using of WSHttpBinding the message is of internal type SecurityVerifiedMessage. Note that all information contained in the message are reflected in the object (SecurityVerifiedMessage) which encapsulate the massage. However, not all information contained in the object are reflected in the message itself. This is a reason, why the message copy cannot be made as in previous example. The BasicHttpBinding can deal with the message created this way, but this is just a coincidence.

By creating of the copy of the message the message header and all message properties have to be copied too, as shown in the next example:


public Message SimpleClone(Message message)


document = new.XmlDocument();



XmlNodeReader xmlReader = new XmlNodeReader(document.FirstChild);


Message newMsg = Message.CreateMessage(msg.Version, null, xmlReader);




foreach (string propertyKey in msg.Properties.Keys)

newMsg.Properties.Add(propertyKey, msg.Properties[propertyKey]);


// msg.Close();


return newMsg;



First we load the body of the message in the xml document. Then we create the message with the same version and with the same body. Not that this point would be the right place to manipulate the body. After that we copy all headers by calling of CopyHeadersFrom and finally, all message properties have to be copied too. Note that the commented line would be usually the right place to close the original message. However, this must not be done, because the closing of the message would dispose some properties, which are necessary for processing of the message.


Hope this example make clear some hidden message specific details.


Posted Jan 25 2007, 01:17 PM by Damir Dobric
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oodobn wrote re: Cloning of the Message
on 09-24-2011 23:39

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