Targeting Framework

Damir Dobric Posts

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Few days ago Andreas announced a great VS 2008 feature. To be honest, I was waiting five years for it.
Now, even in Orcas Beta I, it is possible to choose the target framework version of the project.

Sometimes I'm asking myself how it is possible at all to deliver such great product like VS without of this feature.
Maintaining of applications build for different versions of .NET has for sure decreased productivity of many ISV-s.
[Possible (probably not by all ISV-s) much more than all other features increased the productivity.]. May be all this is possible now, because .NET 3.5 like .NET 3.0 is.NET 2.0. and not .NET 3.x. For example the version of System.Xml.Link.Dll is 2.0.20404.0 (beta build!!)Five years ago this feature seemed to be declared as not important. But, why is it important now?
Unfortunately this is not the only "unimportant feature" lost in the mind of experienced decision makers. From the beginning of .NET 2.0 I was dreaming about the possibility to be able to run side by side two version of .NET framework in one process. I cannot explain how this is important for
developers who implement components hosted in other products. This feature could be enabler for many Microsoft products like Axapta, Office, BizTalk server MS-RFID etc.
I'm sure that one day this will be possible too. But, personally I find it very bad, that some folks out there have to wait for it almost ten years.

Please, please make it possible who ever feel responsible.

Posted Jul 07 2007, 06:38 PM by Damir Dobric
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Damir Dobric Posts wrote Retargeting Framework
on 07-10-2007 0:20

Few days ago I described how to target specific version of the framework within Visual Studio 2008. However is a .Net Community Blog powered by daenet GmbH.