I would like to announce, that I will be at September 09. Zagreb at Mobility Day. My topic this time will be "Connecting Systems - Best practices". The session will have two parts. First part will be presented by me and the second one by Andreas Erben.
This featured session will cover some advanced basics at the level 400. One could ask, how level 400 can be related to any kind of basics?
This is true, but the basic thing will be well known Hello World Calculator Service, with more issues than you can imagine.
Advanced part of the session will be the solution, which will show how to design the application able to survive bad network connection and how to wait for recovery from offline to online mode.
... and all this by using of retrying binding element which does not exist and by using of asynchronous delegates which are not supported on the mobile stack...
If you are interested feel invited: http://www.mobilitydays.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1287&language=hr-HR.
Here is preliminary agenda:

Aug 31 2008, 11:46 PM
Damir Dobric