HttpNotificationChannel.Open() fails with ‘NotificationChannelOpenException’

Damir Dobric Posts

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When trying to register the channel for notifications, you may notice that callback handler ‘ChannelUriUpdated’ is never invoked. If that happens register the callback ‘ExceptionOccurred’. This will give you a chance to receive the exception, which cases the channel to fails.
Unfortunately exceptions are still not very useful, because they do not say too much.

For example, I experienced ‘NotificationChannelOpenException’. It is more confusing the fact that this exception is not thrown in examples, which are provided by Microsoft. If you use exactly the same code, the channel registration will just fail after Open() is called. 
So, the something has to be different ?!

The solution is in WMAppManifest.xml file. This file is a part of the WP7 project:


Open that file and set the attribute Publisher to anything.


Posted May 23 2010, 03:40 PM by Damir Dobric
Filed under:


Neil Rees wrote re: HttpNotificationChannel.Open() fails with ‘NotificationChannelOpenException’
on 06-02-2010 17:53


Mark Lambert wrote re: HttpNotificationChannel.Open() fails with ‘NotificationChannelOpenException’
on 06-03-2010 21:48

This was not obvious while playing around in a sandbox application.  Thank you for saving me some time researching this further. is a .Net Community Blog powered by daenet GmbH.