When digging in persistence table I often use few useful queries, which gives me all required information I mostly need.
Without of commenting too much, I will just post queries and results here for documentation purposes.
SELECT * FROM [RootPersistenceDb].[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RunnableInstancesTable]
SELECT * FROM [RootPersistenceDb].[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockOwnersTable]
SELECT * FROM [RootPersistenceDb].[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[KeysTable]
SELECT * from [RootPersistenceDb].[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable]
If the instance is shown in RunnableInstancesTable, it means it is persisted (and unlocked) and it can be loaded.
If the same instance is running it is not possible to load it again by some other host. In this case RunnableInstancesTable does not contain this instance.

Jul 09 2010, 10:30 PM
Damir Dobric