In just 25 years, the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) has evolved from a forum for a small academic community into Europe’s largest and most important High Performance Computing (HPC) event. The ISC addresses the newest, most compelling topics in the field of HPC.
Now the ISC has spawned outgrowth in the form of the ISC Events. These zero in on the hottest-burning themes in supercomputing and related disciplines.
The first conference of this new series, ISC Cloud, will be devoted to cloud computing. Although cloud computing is already being addressed at other conferences, there is definitely a need for a dedicated international cloud computing event at which both researchers and industry representatives can share ideas and knowledge. ISC Cloud will close this gap by establishing a platform for people interested in cloud computing for compute and data intensive applications, real experience with industry and research case studies, lessons learned and recommendations.
Please join at ISC Cloud'10 – the whole ISC team is looking forward to seeing you in Frankfurt.

Oct 28 2010, 04:51 PM
Damir Dobric