I wanted to update the APP which has been published on the market at the early days of Windows Phone App Hub.
Unfortunately the application has been declined by reviewers with following error:
“2002 – Localized Title is missing”
So after trying to find out what the problem could be, I have given up. I decided to just submit the same package and if necessary over and over again until some better error description comes up.
Likely, the same package has now failed immediately with some new error:
Error 1047: An update cannot support fewer languages than the previous app instance supported.
This is cool, now I have two descriptions for the same problem. After I have spent a while again (more time than to write the app) I decided to do following.
In the AssemblyInfo.cs there is an attribut which defines the neutral language
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US")]
This one from the beginning in my app, but now it causes the submission error. To workaround the problem, I changed it to
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en")]
Submission has been successfully completed.
Feedback to team:
Hi guys, it would be helpful to provide the list of all submission errors with detailed description of required actions.
Honestly, both messages have nothing to do with reality and productivity.

Aug 10 2011, 12:33 AM
Damir Dobric