Agenda for my ADC Session: “WCF Internals – Leistungsoptimierung”
Who should attend this session?
This sessions is designed for all architects and developers who are interested to see some undocumented WCF internal topics. Please not that don’t have to be WCF expert to attend, but you should know at least some basics.
Session Level: 300-400
For more information please take a look on picture below.

Performance undocumented…

Building and putting types on “the fly” while service is running…
Flatten WCF WSDL without making any change to service…
Creating of flatten WSDL contract from WCF service:
FlattenXml http://localhost/Daenet.TrackingService/TrackingService.svc Out
Sollte dies nicht reichen, bitte auf Details achten. Bitte in die Dose reinzoomen:

Es stellt sich immer noch eine Frage: “Was ist mit weiteren 5% passiert?” 
Oct 25 2011, 12:01 AM
Damir Dobric