Announcing the session about Business and Mobile Platform evolution focused on ASP.NET WebApi and ASP.NET MVC 4.5. I’m still not sure how the final title of the session will be pronounced, but never mind. We already know what we will present.
In past decade WCF has definitely grove in the most powerful communication technology targeting SOAP as underlying protocol for message exchange. However applications are continually evolving to expose their functionality over the web. Some of them popular social services like Facebook achieve a REST as a major communication style. So we will focus now to simplification of communication stack. WCF has focused Business Platform. WEP API should focus mobile and business platforms.
This session is interesting is the story about the next step in evaluation of communication platform which allows developers to expose their applications, data and services to the web directly over HTTP.
In this session you will learn not only about ASP WebApi. Even more we will talk about SOAP and REST, SOA and Web, Applications and Apps, GET and POST and, and, and….,
You are invited to see the new API for web which is more than just REST. See also what Bahro posted about this.
Who: Bahro & Damir (Huso I Haso)
When: 04.04.2012 14.30 – 15.30h
Add to your calendar.

Mar 13 2012, 11:00 PM
Damir Dobric