WHEN: 25.04.2012. 17:15 - 18:00h
WHERE: Rovinj - HALL 4

In this session you will learn about new possibilities around number of Windows Azure Services which provide new possibilities for applications running On-Premise, in the cloud or both. This demo-powered session will focus on powerful solution architecture patterns around Relaying, Tunneling, brokering with Message Queue, Topics and more.
Note that this is not Windows Azure session only. It shows platform services and new possibilities which can be achieved.The session is designed for Windows and Windows Azure developers and architects, which need to build new kind of applications with new building blocks. Even more, we will also focus on development of applications which do not run in the cloud, but make usage of Windows Azure services.
Focus of session are advanced solution architectures of hybrid and/or distributed applications which run on-premise in the cloud or both.
The coding related content is level 300 and architecture related topics might be higher like 400.
On WinDays Portal:: http://www.windays.hr/hr/raspored/technology/
Follow: http://twitter.com/#!/ddobric
Apr 22 2012, 06:34 PM
Damir Dobric