On of upcoming interesting new features related to Service Bus is support for relaying of anything hosted in IIS. Today we are able to build SOAP and REST services which can be relayed with Service Bus. However this is limited to services only. Another option to relay the TCP traffic is “anycast” feature which is not easy to configure and it is in general not well known. Soon, it will be possible to install the IIS Service Bus bridge (see pictures below) which relays the IIS application.

This means, you can host any kind of web application (not only WCF services as now) even on your laptop and access it via publicly available URL listened at the service bus endpoint. Just imagine applications running on the private IP address and accessible publicly in internet without of doing anything on firewall and infrastructure.
More about that: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2012/AZR308
Jun 23 2012, 11:49 AM
Damir Dobric