Windows Azure Service Bus Explorer in Server Explorer

Damir Dobric Posts

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Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate integrates Windows Azure Service Bus Explorer in Service Explorer. I know the wording is a bit confusing. That’s why is the best to take a look on the next picture:


To start working you first need to add the connection:


The connection credentials are common Service Bus credentials like namespace, issuer name (user who is accessing the SB) and issuer key.


Note that these data can currently be obtained on the old portal only

By using of Service Bus Explorer you can manage all service Bus Artifacts. For example, if you want to create the new queue and specify all required properties:

After that the topic appears in the tree view:


Even more, we can create subscriptions now:


The topic appears now in the tree view.

image      image

You can also manage subscriptions:

image   image

Note that message count is read/only. It specifies the number of messages in the subscription.


After the topic is created you can send the test message to it:

image image

Right after that the subscription contains one message:

Which you can receive:


If this is not ok for you I would recommend Paolo’s great tool:

Posted Jun 23 2012, 03:42 PM by Damir Dobric
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