If you are professional developer or architect who focus Microsoft technologies, then ADC is the conference of great choice. Internationally recognized and legendary experts will present most popular technology topics.
One of best things at this conference I personally like is “NO MARKETING”. All session content is pure experience with pre-filtered sponsoring and marketing noise.
At the upcoming Advanced Developer Conference 2012 in Germany I will give two session. Here is the first look on agenda for “Connecting Web Systems” session. Because this session is not related to some product, it will focus new peaces of technology at the Microsoft’s development platform. This time I decided to talk about technologies which might dramatically change the web soon. However this might also influence the way how we thing about applications and it will definitely change the architecture of future applications. As Integration MVP in last two years I was involved in some more or less hidden and still not well documented technology areas with focus on WebSockets, SignalR and communication in Web in general.
Content presented in this session is pure result of this work. You are welcome.

Oct 27 2012, 02:45 PM
Damir Dobric