Mobile Services Client Helper Method “InvokeApiAsync” supports sending of complex-types

Damir Dobric Posts

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Few weeks ago I described how to consume Service Operations implemented in a Mobile Services Custom API for .NET.
In this post I will shortly describe one additional overload of helper Method “InvokeApiAsync”

By using of that method it is also possible to easily pass a complex type argument as input in the message payload.
Following code-snippet shows how to do that:


 Order order = new Order() { Id = 1, Amount = 100, ProductName = "Product 1" };
JToken jOrder = JToken.FromObject(order);
JToken jOrderResult = await App.MobileService.InvokeApiAsync("Order", jOrder, HttpMethod.Post, 
new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "prodName", "Prod" } });


In this example we use a JToken type. First we create the order and then JToken from it. Result is retrieved as a JToken.

The service operation looks like shown below. For more details about this API please take a look on a previous post.

public Order PostOrder(Order order)
if (order == null)
return null;

var existingOrder = m_Orders.FirstOrDefault(o=>o.Id == order.Id);
if (existingOrder != null)
               existingOrder = order;
return order;
return null;

Posted May 06 2014, 08:31 AM by Damir Dobric
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