You probably might know that Azure enables you to debug your application while running in the Azure hosting center. If not please take a look on this post.
Interestingly when wet think about cloud computing, we typically expect high scale. That means you application will have more than one instance.
Did you known that you can concurrently debug multiple instances?
Before you start you need to attach to the right process. IN my case I will attach to the Worker Role. By design Worker Role is hosted in process WaWorkerHost.exe.
You will typically select the instance and attach to the process as shown at the next picture.
But, if you attach to the service (not to the instance) you can select all WaWorkerHost.exe processes from all virtual machines. In my case I have two of them:
When attached this way You will notice that both instances are attached to host process.

Oct 14 2014, 05:00 PM
Damir Dobric