When working with EventStreams it is sometimes very difficult figure out potential problems. For example, imagine there is a following
script for stream analyzing:
Let’s now push following event stream to the script above:
{"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} {"temperature":"1","DeviceName":"Frankfurt"} |
On the first look all seems to be perfect. If so, please start your analytic job and sent these events. It is up to you how to send events. This is not the part of this post.
After a while, you will wander, but the job will fail.
To figure out the problem you will usually go to dashboard.

In most cases you will find useful information here if it is something wrong with INPUTS or OUTPUTS of your ASA job. But, there are (many) cases, when information in dashboard is not helpful at all.
Here is an example:
JobContentVersion: 1.7 JobFailedMessage: The streaming job failed. JobFrameworkVersion: 1.2.60108.1 JobId: 313b3e20-281c-4869-8a48-ab5958647a11 JobRunCreatedDateTime: 2016-01-20 22:58:37Z JobRunId: e0ecdb80-e41b-4519-b7f4-11036ff6a784 JobRunLastUpdateDateTime: 2016-01-20 23:00:42Z JobRunStatus: Failed Microsoft.Resources/EventNameV2:: Start job '****' Microsoft.Resources/Operation: Start job ‘****’ Microsoft.Resources/ResourceUri: /subscriptions/****/resourceGroups/StreamAnalytics-Default-West-Europe/providers/Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/**** |
Everything clear? Not really 
But there is a very easy way to solve this.
In the query tab You can find a button test. Create a file like mytestevents.json and paste events shown above.

Click TEST button, load file which you have previously saved and take a look on result:

My problem is obviously the type of column (property) ‘temperature’.
I need to change it as follows:
Let’s repeat test again:

And, finally let’s inject few bad-events:

As you see, we have aggregated 3 bad-events in a capturing window and got out a single alerting event.
Use TEST if dashboard does not show enough information.
Jan 21 2016, 04:05 PM
Damir Dobric