With introducing of .NET Core, Microsoft started after longer time, to fix a problem called “framework hell“. Today we have .netstandard strategy. For more information see this article. However, introducing of netstadard has opened many new questions related o practical using.
For this reason, the team has created the catalog of all APIs, which can be accessed at : https://apisof.net/
If you navigate to catalogue, you will find the list of all namespaces (API sets) across all .NET frameworks (on left), or you can search for types (on right):

If you drill down to some namespace or type, you will get many interesting information, like API Port telemetry (ho often is used the API) or nuget.org (Ho often is referenced from NUGET package repository).
This two information do not have to match necessarily.

You can also find there another useful metadata.

Finally, the catalog contains also the list, frameworks, which include the namespace or type:

Thanks to .NET team for providing this information. I like Open Source idea of .NET, but I really appreciate that there is somebody behind it, who cares about big picture and transparency.
Recommended References:
-API Port Tool: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet-apiport/releases

-I can Has .NET Core:
Dec 15 2016, 06:48 AM
Damir Dobric