SQL Server R Services https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt604845.aspx SQL Server R Services Tutorials: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt591993.aspx ML Templates with ‘R’: https://gallery.cortanaintelligence.com/Collection/ML-Templates-with-SQL-Server-R-Services-1
If you are adding a new solution as a subproject of a bigger repository, it can happen that Visual Studio does not want to add a solution to GIT repository. When you click on “Add to source control” nothing happen. To workaround this problem you should first commit changes. Open command prompt...
Assuming that there is a function set inside of the WebJob shown on picture below, there are several options to start this job from your executable file. If you want to start the manually triggered webjob function, use following code: JobHost host = new JobHost (); Task callTask = host.CallAsync( typeof...
Service Fabric cluster can be started/stopped by using “Service Fabric Host Service”. Since version Service Fabric Host Service is set on “Manual” in development cluster, which prevents automatic start of the cluster That means that sometimes you will surprisingly will not be able to...
Based on our experiences and article written by Boris partitioning seems to be very complex topic. For this reason I decided provide a more information and examples by using of the same sample (Voting Service), which Boris has used. To setup partition configuration we will have to open configuration...
Once the data is stored in the IotHub it can remain there for max 7 days. As long the data is in the hub it can be read by various readers. Commonly data is read by using Azure Stream Analytics. However, sometimes it is required to implement a native reader. There are two approaches when reading events...
If you want to programmatically implement device management in IoTHub, you should use a package . Microsoft.Azure.Devices. This package provides a very simple API for device management. IotHub maintains under the hub a DocumentDB, which you typically cannot see. We say, “it is transparent for developers...
When using IotHub, we can send Cloud-to-Device messages from any application to device, without of need to tune anything in the infrastructure. As long device is connected to internet, we can send (push) messages (commands) to it. Following code snippet shows how to start receiver loop and how...
To send telemetry data from device, we will use Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client or generally one of following two packages: First one is used when programming devices on a full desktop (typically simulators). If your device is running on UWP you will use the PCL package. Before we send telemetry data...
Sometimes you want to delete Azure WebJob. It is not the best way, but it is the way which always works, independent on which portal or VS tools version you use. Connect to your WebSite via FTP client and navigate to folder shown below. " style="border-left-width:0px;border-right-width:0px;background...
IOT Ultimate Edition 20.06.2016 11:45 - 12:45 Uhr Track: Industry 4.0 Die Mega-Trends wie Cloud Computing, Internet of Things und Big Data sind schon längst auch in Deutschland zur Realität geworden. In dieser Sessions werden wir die wichtigsten Technologien und Lösungsansätze...
Configuration of Virtual Network inside of a WebApp might be sometimes kind of confusing. For this reason, I simply provided in this post a configuration of a test application, which should guide you how to setup all required address spaces. The main address space: If there is a network inside...
For some years now, we are talking about IoT as mega trend. This is good, but not good enough. It is obvious that powerful marketing influence people to think in many different ways, which often leads to misunderstanding about what IoT really stands for. So I decided for me to setup this year on...
After installation of Service Fabric, you might get following error: Expected 1 export(s) with contract name "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Shared.ServiceCreation.IProjectCreationTemplateDataProvider" but found 0 after applying applicable constraints. This happens in fact only...
We have been trying for years now to enable students to get access to Azure Cloud Platform. It was never an easy way, but now it looks as get some sort of solution. To get access you (student) will have to: 1. Register to Dream Spark 2. Verify your academic enrollment More information about that you...