Microsoft Azure support two different kind of Load Balancer configurations. For all internet traffic coming from outside into the Azure you will have to use so called “Internet Facing Load balancer”. All traffic between virtual machines hosted in azure is controlled by “Internal Load balancer”. Currently...
Covered Topics: .NET Core Intro Frameworks and Runtime Creating .NET Core Framework Dependent Applications Creating .NET Core Self Contained Applications .NET Core and Docker Creating UI with .NET Core .NET Foundation .NET Standard and runtimes Machine Learning with .NET Core HoloLens, Unity3D, and ...
Microsoft .NET Conf is partnering with Azure Meetup Frankfurt and will organize around the globe many local in-person events between September 19 through the end of October! For more information please refer here . You can join us to learn more about .NET and the new .NET Core 2.0 release. We will start...
If you are deploying ASP.NET core 2.0 application to Azure App Service you might get following error: HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure Common causes of this issue: The application process failed to start The application process started but then stopped The application process started but failed to...
I guess, when you see error shown below (or similar) error, you might get kind of crazy: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException: 'IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match 'kid': 'VWVIc1WD1Tksbb301sasM5kOq5Q', token: '{"alg"...
AAD B2C is definitely an interesting approach to simplify dealing with various cloud identities. However, we should not forget, that working with security is always complex and can be very wired. In this post I will describe one example. Let’s assume, we want to perform a sign in operation from some...
When working with device twins and IoTHub, you have to be aware of security requirements of certain methods of the service twin API. For example to get the instance of the twin or to update the twin you will need ‘ ServiceConnect’ permission. var twin = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync...
It is obvious that Cloud, BigData and IoT becoming true mega trends. They are consisted technological part for Digital Transformation process, which has a massive impact on every architect and developer. In this break-out session, we will dive deep in some of most IoT relevant Microsoft Azure...
The true story – Ask Experts I'm usually giving deep technical sessions with lot of demos and code. However, this time we have organized Ask-Experts Break-Out Session. This is an interactive technical session. Attendees can ask questions related to IoT and we will try to help. WE can talk about IoT...
When working with Azure Active Directory and multitenant applications users might get following error, when trying to logon. Additional information: AADSTS65005: The app needs access to a service (" https:// yourdomainname .onmicrosoft.com/ youraponame ") that your organization "...
Welcome Reception 09.30-10.00h Build modern IoT solutions with Microsoft IoT Platform 10.00-11.00h By Damir Dobric Software Lead Architect daenet GmbH Microsoft Regional Director, Most Valuable Professional In times of digital transformation Cloud is becoming a consisted part of every IoT solution...
When deploying WebApp by using of ARM script, the Resource Provider will create so called deployment credentials under the hub. These credentials are usually downloaded from the Azure Portal. After download you will get something like this. <publishData> <publishProfile profileName...
ResourceManagementClient is a class inside of Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager , which provide simplified API over Azure Resource Manager. In this post I will show a short example, which demonstrates how to instantiate this class. First of, we have to obtain authorization token. There...
'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null There are few Azure SDKs, which might lead you to this error. The typical example is using of power shell. However, Azure platform provides also very powerful management SDK. One interesting example, which is still in preview, is Fluent API ...
It seems there is a some misunderstanding related to shrading and partitioning when talking about IoT and Microsoft Azure platform. Here is my recommendation about how we should thnk about this. EventHub uses internally messaging feature called 'partitioning'. To understand how that works...