Archive (206 articles) 01-14 (Iterative) Retrieval-Augmented Generation 12-30 Building Intelligent Workflows with Semantic Kernel Pipelines 12-09 How to calculate the Cosine Similarity in C#? 05-24 DevOps issue when building NUGET package with .NET application 03-27 Modular Layered Architecture of Backend Applications 01-13 What is the proper way to read configuration and settings? 12-11 What if "Semantic search is not enabled for this service."? 10-25 How to group files together in Visual Studio 09-12 Chat GPT at VDMA 09-01 Unlocking Efficiency: My One-Month Journey with GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code 07-18 GPT Day@VDMA in Frankfurt 2023 07-14 LLM and Cosine Distance for .NET Developers 06-30 July 2023: What is new in Microsoft AI? 05-21 Building modern APIs and Connectors with Rate Limitation 03-08 Enumerating Monitors on Windows in C# 03-02 Making the Smart Factory 02-22 Installing iotedgehubdev on MacOS 01-12 How to add the new key to the Service Principal in AAD? 12-13 Sending telemetry messages to Azure Services 11-22 Error: list index out of range 11-07 Student Zone: Welcome .NET 7 10-31 Cannot reset password in Azure B2C — Quick Solution 10-19 How to add the swagger to ASP.NET Core? 10-14 Azure Batch Service - "Bad Request" when creating the VM-Pool 09-26 How to Deploy ASP.NET with enabled SSL in Linux Container? 08-08 Microsoft Office Sign-In does not work. Cannot save the document :( 07-15 How to Create Azure CosmosDb/MongoDb Replica? 07-11 No currently available quotas when provisioning a CosmosDB 07-04 Best Practices: Running a code on a memory limit 06-30 AZ CLI and JMESPath queries 06-01 You don't like the new ConsoleApp Template in VS2022? 03-28 Revealing the secrets of intelligence 03-07 Bye, bye Internet Explorer 03-01 What to do if your Visual Studio Unitest stopp working? 02-13 Happy Birthday .NET - 20 Years of .NET Framework 01-14 Bye by System.Drawing and GDI+ 11-29 "Can't bind to 'ngFor' since it isn't a known property" - Angular error and cause of it.. 11-28 Writing a linear regression algorithm in Python 11-23 5 new changes in Angular 13 - The latest Angular Framework 11-22 Licensing and packaging NUGET packages 11-08 .NET 6.0 produces the true single file 10-27 Windows and Azure Enterprise State Roaming 10-26 Windows 11 private store missing (business/company) 10-12 Blazor JSExcpetion "Document is not focused" 10-11 How to send the POST request in a PowerQuery? 10-05 Windows 11, 10 and older key keyboard shortcuts 10-04 Forms of phishing attacks 09-21 Useful T-SQL commands for Azure SQL 06-16 Setting AppSettings in the DevOps pipeline 06-15 Learning .NET, C#, AI and Microsoft Azure at university 06-14 Error when installing the app from Windows Store: 0x80070005 06-11 How to get the function key of the Azure Function? 06-07 Visual Studio Code Error - F11 (Step into a Python function) does not work 06-01 How to list (RBAC) role definitions in Azure? 04-21 Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'. 03-21 Accessing identity token in Blazor WASM 03-01 Decentralized Identity 02-11 AI vNext: Reverse-Engineering the Neocortex 02-09 Artificial Intelligence vNext - Award Winning Paper 2021 02-08 Research at daenet - New paper published today at ICPRAM 2021 - Vienna 02-03 Expose BizTalk WCF/Rest endpoint via Azure Service Bus Relays: "'transportClientEndpointBehavior' could not be loaded." error 02-01 Myths about Microservices 01-28 Microsoft Azure Cloud Workshops 2021: .NET Modernization in a day 01-26 Microsoft Cloud Workshop 2021: ".NET Modernization in a day" 01-22 New Machine Learning Methods - online on stage on Feb.4th 01-19 BICEP - the next generation of ARM 01-06 Sencha Touch/Ext JS paint event not triggered on iOS 14+ 01-05 Angular 101 - Create your first Angular project from scratch (Angular 11) 12-21 Angular 101: All you need to know about Angular Web Framework..! 12-08 Hosting Services behind dapr 12-07 ImagePullBackOff in Azure Kubernetes Cluster 11-28 Microsoft Cloud Workshop 2021: ".NET Modernization in a day" 11-19 The "RazorTagHelper" task failed unexpectedly" 11-09 Azure and ML Trainings with daenet 10-29 Project structure with own Nuget packages 10-20 How to parametrize the Azure Function 10-02 Let's start with TYE 09-21 Azure DevOps - Git unauthorized after moved to other tenant 09-08 Microsoft Workshop: .NET Modernization in a day 09-06 What is Azure AI+ML? 08-10 Penetration testing of your service hosted in Azure 08-04 Python Visual Studio Code Jupyper ModuleNotFound 07-29 Git Branch folder naming issues - Azure Devops 07-23 How to properly create the principal in .NET Core? 07-20 How to exclude authentication on a controller in ASP.NET Core? 07-14 Create a component (service) with the extended principal in ASP.NET 07-14 Deploy Kubernetes cluster with container registry 07-08 Imported project target was not found- How to fix 06-13 My publication at AIS 2020 06-12 Scaling the slice of neocortex with Actor Model 06-07 Create a simple Python package 05-15 Azure AppService File system 04-15 Azure Comos DB Mongo API V3.6 ConnectionString changes (retrywrites=false) 04-11 Invoking Services with DAPR .NET SDK 04-05 Different ways to deploy CosmosDB artefacts 03-27 How to import OneNote notebooks to the new machine? 03-26 Azure CosmosDB throughput (RU) 03-23 Error with 'A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate' 03-12 Deploying Azure Cosmos Mongo Collection with dedicated throughput using Fluent API 03-05 ML.NET fails with 'KeyNotFoundException' 02-28 Why does the Code Coverage not work in VS? 02-28 BizTalk Server: how to configure Two-Way certificate authentication in BizTalk MQSC Adapter 01-28 Azure CosmosDB (Mongo) 3.6 with .NET MongoDB.Driver 2.10 01-26 Machine Learning for .NET Developers 01-08 Daany – .NET DAta ANalYtics library 12-17 .NET Core Configuration: Appsettings vs. Environment Variables 12-12 Create CIFAR-10 Deep Learning Model with ANNdotNET GUI Tool 11-29 IdentityServer: How to pass custom parameters to Login Page? 11-28 Multipart Form Data 404 on file too large 11-27 How to get your Azure access token ? 11-11 Azure Heatmap 11-08 How to start with C# Jupyter Notebook 10-25 Hosting ML.NET with TensorFlow in AppService 10-18 Adding custom feed to the VS build pipeline 09-28 IoTEdge fails with "SAS token is expired" 09-20 Error when deploying IoTEdge on Windows 09-19 Disable running of WebJobs in App Service 09-02 Air Traffic Control, Cloud, Drones & Co. 08-26 CORS: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check 08-13 How to create docker image from Azure Function? 06-11 Docker does not pull/push image 05-28 Running Azure Functions everywhere 05-23 Advanced Developer Conference 2019 05-18 Azure Container Registry Docker Login 04-25 Global Azure Bootcamp - Frankfurt 2019 04-17 Fastest way to build .NET Core App docker image 04-09 Error: OPCUA parsing of NodeId 04-04 ML.NET Keynote at WinDays19 03-15 Docker build error: "failed to dial gRPC" 03-14 Azure IotHub: How to test connectivity? 02-20 Donovan Brown at daenet 01-29 How to remove 'iotegde' manually? 01-14 How to start with Azure Data Explorer (ADX)? 12-21 How to prepare machine with GPU for Deep Learning with CNTK, TensorFlow and Keras 12-17 Myths about Microservices 12-01 Microsoft Connect() at Azure Meetup Frankfurt 11-23 How to visualize CNTK network in C# 11-08 How to query templates from SendGrid with SDK 10-29 Implementing Cookie Policy for an Angular App 10-19 Angular 7 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of the latest release 10-18 Creating a "drag and drop" component for Angular 4+ app from scratch 10-18 Sentiment Analysis using ANNdotNET 09-30 Visual Neural Network Designer in ANNdotNET 09-27 IIS completly hang (Full Request Pipeline) 09-27 IotEdge Module Environment 09-25 My sessions on BASTA 2018 09-25 IoTHub Patterns & Antipatterns 09-05 Debugging Angular Projects and Libraries 09-05 Azure IotEdge - Module Update 09-04 IotEdge: Optimizing for performance 09-03 IotEdge: Setting file permissions 08-30 Fiddler TLS Issues. Failed to negotiate HTTPS 08-28 IotEdge Module Image update on DevBox 08-24 How to update Azure WebJob SDK packages without huge load of dependencies 08-22 How to send events to IotHub REST endpoint? 08-21 How to change device identity in Azure IotEdge? 08-21 Deep Dive IoT - Azure IoT Edge .NET Core AI modules 08-13 'device-identity' is not in the 'az iot hub' 07-31 AAD: About Permissions, AppRoles and OptionalClaims 07-23 Messaging with MQTT and .NET 07-11 Easiest way to send events to EventGrid Topic 07-09 KI zum Anfassen 06-29 Node - 'JavaScript heap out of memory' 06-23 My .NET Core Session at DWX2018 06-20 HttpResponseException: Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception 06-13 Setup TensorFlow on Windows 06-06 Setup .NET Core 2.1 on ARM 05-31 IoT Sessions at //build 2018 05-26 Deploying a Node.js Express app to Azure App Service using Visual Studio Code 04-23 Microsoft Quantum Development Kit - Introduction 04-20 Azure IotEdge: What to do if runtime setup does no work? 04-20 Azure IotEdge: How to solve 'Docker API responded with status code=InternalServerError' 04-19 Azure IotEdge: How to fix WindowsCryptographicException "cannot find the path specified" 04-16 Global Azure Bootcamp Frankfurt - final agenda 04-16 Azure WebJob with IDLE_TIMEOUT abort 03-26 How to move resources between subscriptions under different tenants? 03-23 ANNdotNET the first GUI based CNTK tool 03-12 Optimizing footprint of .NET Core applications 03-05 Data Preparation Tool for Machine Learning 03-01 Serverless IoT: How to read telemetry data from IotHub ? 02-28 Using CNTK and Python to learn from Iris data 02-27 IotEdge Internal Server Error 02-21 Meaning of 'softmax' 02-20 Using CNTK and C# to train Mario to drive Kart 02-20 All Azure Cognitive Services at-once 02-16 CNTK Object Detection on Custom Dataset with Python 02-10 ClickOnce on GitHub 02-01 Join me at Technical Summit in Frankfurt 01-30 Run PowerShell Script on Azure VM with ComputeManagementClient 01-28 .NET Core in Docker:"No executable found matching command "dotnet-" 01-22 How to use System.Drawing in .NET Core? 01-20 Use CNTK and LSTM in Time Series prediction with .NET and C# 01-12 Azure Container Instances 01-11 Correctly enable XML documentation in ASP.Net Core for publish/build output 01-09 Few things about migrating to .NET Core 01-05 How to Re-Register ServiceBus and EventHub Resource Manager Providers? 01-03 Azure Container Registry 01-01 Error when publishing image to Azure Registry 12-13 BOT Service and AI Jumpstarts 12-07 Available node.js versions in azure app service 11-29 .NET Developer Conference 2017 11-18 We are 25! Azure Meetups in Germany, Austria and Swiss 11-02 How to consume Telemetry Events from IotHub with AzureFunctions? 10-27 How to create and publish nuget symbol packages 10-24 Load Balancing on Azure 10-23 We have moved ;-)